Gathering At Polyface - Two or more $600.00 each

Gathering At Polyface - Two or more $600.00 each

The SGF Gathering at Polyface - 2024

August 22-23, 2024 at Polyface Farms in Swoope, Virginia

"People routinely ask me who inspires you?  I'm ecstatic to assemble the folks who keep me challenged and charged.  These are the folks I'd pay to see and hear, and we've got them all in one place like one big fellowship.  Don't miss out." Joel Salatin

The SGF Gathering at Polyface introduces a world-class lineup of mentors including:

Darren Doherty, originator of Regrarians Ltd., is the world's foremost farm landscape designer.  His broad hands-on understanding makes him the go-to guru for making your farmscape work for you.  In two separate sessions, Darren takes you through fundamental design concepts to make your resource base more efficient, productive, profitable and enjoyable.

Dan Kittredge, founder of the Bionutrient Association, is the world's foremost developer in the search for a nutrient meter.  His goal is a workable handheld device that measures nutrient frequencies, giving a high/low reading for food in the raw state.  The first comprehensive item he's testing is beef.

John Kempf, founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, a plant nutrition and biostimulants consulting company, helps farmers by providing education, tools and strategies for soil fertility and plant/animal health. He offers cutting edge practical procedures to create the healthiest soil to grow the best grass and productive, profitable livestock.

Tai Lopez, founder of The Knowledge Society and worldwide entrepreneurial guru, will dissect the anatomy of a maverick, which describes all grass farmers.  What are the mental and emotional challenges and motivations of a maverick?  This presentation offers practical advice to hone your entrepreneurial creativity and love being on the lunatic fringe.

Michael Godfrey, perhaps America's foremost ornithologist, produces weekly featherflix videos on the relationships of birds and cattle.Grass Farms and cattle can be managed to create wildlife and overall ecological synergy. He will teach us all how to be better stewards.

Kit Pharo is founder of Pharo Cattle Company, the largest grass-based seedstock producer in America.  He brings a wealth of experience in both business and cattle management to the podium and speaks in staccatos of wise soundbites.  Operating in several states with more than a hundred landlords, he partners with many farmers and ranchers to bring hardy genetics to the grass movement. He's a must see in grass farming.