Pastured Poultry Profits

Pastured Poultry Profits

By Joel Salatin

Net $25,000 in 6 months on 20 acres

Pastured poultry brings to agriculture the bird component of wild ecosystems.  It's the natural twin of grass-finished beef and all-grass dairies.  With modern lightweight infrastructure and efficient small-scale processing equipment, pastured poultry offers one of the best economic and environmental opportunities in farming. Joel Salatin's pastured poultry experience spans half a century; tens of thousands of farmers around the world have duplicated the model with similarly gratifying results.  For a host of reasons, pastured poultry is a farm and nutrition gateway.  This book will lead you down the path.  Pastured poultry offers all of us higher nutrition, safer food, and the joy of participating in building soil and respecting life.