Is There Enough Acreage To Finish All Of America’s Cattle On Pasture?
By Jim Gerrish: If something gets said often enough, does that really make it true?..
By Jim Gerrish: If something gets said often enough, does that really make it true?..
By Allen R. Williams Ph.D: What makes a person an accomplished grazer is the ability to be an astute OBSERVER. Most of us have lost our ability to truly observe. We mistake being busy for being observant...
By Todd Macfarlane: Keeping everything in relative perspective, in accordance with the proverbial saying, Jacob and Eli are “land rich, but cash poor,” because until land is liquidated, sold and converted to cash, it is an illiquid asset...
By Jordan Green: To farrow, or not borrow, that is the question. Protocols to consider when deciding to operate a “birthing” enterprise vs. a buy in feeders enterprise..
By Greg Judy: The beauty of this whole multi-species thing is that in the process of adding more species it also adds strength to your whole operation. What do I mean by adding strength?..
By Anibal Pordomingo: Fattening cattle without grain is an artisan and difficult task. But some principles seem to hold in common. Being such a defined niche with one priority (tenderness), the grass-fed industry could use genomics to detect quality performing genetics...
By Steve Kenyon: The intensity of grazing refers to the stock density of the livestock. The question I receive quite often is, “How intense should we graze?..”
By Jim Gerrish: The fence only has value if it allows us to better accomplish our farm or ranch goals. The fence pays for itself either through improved productivity and/or cost savings...
By Joel Salatin: What will your farm look like one year after you’re gone? Do you have a plan? In December 2019 Stockman Grass Farmer went out on a limb and hosted the first in-depth school on succession...
By Joel Salatin: What could I tell SGF readers ONE THING to do that would change everything? Are you waiting with baited breath? Drum roll, please...
By Greg Judy: Don't get hood winked into thinking that your only option for fly control is purchasing something to pour on them or in them. Whatever you put on your animal ends up in the soil with devastating effects on your farm's soil life. You can do it, keep your money in your pocket not someone else's...
By Jim Gerrish: If you have wondered how large of a property you can manage with a flexible grazing cell, the answer is probably much larger than you ever thought...