Are You An Accomplished Grazer?

By Allen R. Williams Ph.D: What makes a person an accomplished grazer is the ability to be an astute OBSERVER. Most of us have lost our ability to truly observe. We mistake being busy for being observant...

The Farm Piggery

By Jordan Green: To farrow, or not borrow, that is the question. Protocols to consider when deciding to operate a “birthing” enterprise vs. a buy in feeders enterprise..

Grassfed Beef Expectations for Fattening and Genetics

By Anibal Pordomingo: Fattening cattle without grain is an artisan and difficult task. But some principles seem to hold in common. Being such a defined niche with one priority (tenderness), the grass-fed industry could use genomics to detect quality performing genetics...

Just One Thing

By Joel Salatin: What could I tell SGF readers ONE THING to do that would change everything? Are you waiting with baited breath? Drum roll, please...